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05 Feb. 2024

Understanding the Rehabilitation Process: A Comprehensive Guide for Individuals and Families

Alcoholism and drug use can take a huge toll on someone's life if not controlled on time. Substance use soon becomes addictive to many, even before they realise it. Understanding the need to identify addiction and reaching out for help to overcome addiction is crucial to live a self-controlled and peaceful life. For that matter, undergoing a rehabilitation process to get rid of the root of the addiction is necessary.

Why is rehabilitation required?

Rehab is a slow and multidisciplinary approach to getting rid of any kind of addiction. The consequences of alcohol and substance use can cause misery and loss of control over one's life. Rehabilitation is one of the best approaches which identifies addictive behaviour and finds strategies to overcome them. A slow, steady, and supportive approach is needed to balance psychology and discomfort. Rehabilitation is necessary, which uses multiple approaches to prevent relapse and get rid of addiction forever. Rehab includes identification, detoxification, coping strategies, behaviour therapy, helping with the right work environment, etc., to support people with addiction at all stages of recovery.

Understanding Addiction

Before jumping directly into the rehab procedure, we must understand what addiction is and what causes addiction. Once someone starts consuming any addictive substance like alcohol, its repeated use can cause changes in the brain that lead to disastrous consequences. Understanding the early symptoms preventing oneself or people close to you in the early stages can save you crucial time in someone's life. Detecting early symptoms is crucial, although it can vary depending on the addictive substance being used. Still, the most important and common changes are social withdrawal, emotional imbalance, low grades, difficulty concentrating and losing basic judgement.

Rehabilitation Steps

Rehabilitation is a complex yet different set of procedures that vary according to individuals. It's the crucial steps, which include medical treatment, behaviour therapy, counselling, understanding the individual needs, improving the will of the person to get rid of addiction, detoxification, coping with withdrawal symptoms, etc. Here are the key steps under rehabilitation or drug rehab centre in Mumbai:

Comprehensive assessment of individuals: The very first step of rehabilitation centre in Mumbai is identifying the cause and factors influencing addiction. For this, the trained practitioners undergo a detailed evaluation and assessment of individuals, including their history of addiction, their sources, durations and pattern of their addiction. In addition, their socio-psychological assessment, their environment, triggering factors, etc, are evaluated. Based on the assessment, a detailed plan of action is prepared. Sometimes, the person has a dual diagnosis of associated disease along with addiction that requires specialised attention and treatment.

Controlled and safe detoxification: Detoxification means discontinuing the use of any addictive substance and further managing its consequences. Detoxification is accompanied by painful and challenging withdrawal symptoms, which can always be managed under the supervision of certified experts. The duration of detoxification is dependent upon the individual and the kind of substance they use. Similarly, their withdrawal symptoms may vary according to the substance, which an alcohol rehabilitation centre in Mumbai manages.

In the patient or outpatient phase: People can opt for inpatient or outpatient rehab schemes depending upon their personal needs. The severity of their addiction, any co-occurring disease and as suggested by the doctor. Although inpatient rehab is more structured with 24/7 supervision and a disciplined approach with personalised supervision. On the other hand, the outpatient rehab option is opted for by people with less severity of addiction and those looking for cost-effective options of drug rehabilitation centre in Mumbai.

Medication-assisted treatment: It is the approach used by doctors and rehab experts to use certain medications to combat withdrawal symptoms. To help reduce the craving and improve focus on their life. This is done by certified doctors and on the basis of individual assessment and associated disease.

Psychological support and counselling: Psychological therapies are one of the crucial aspects of a rehab centre in Mumbai, without which rehabilitation is always incomplete. Psychological support and frequent counselling provide support to individuals to help them understand their mental state and their will to overcome addiction. It's one of the most crucial steps to keep the patient motivated and encouraged to live a positive and healthy life.

Aftercare support: Some individuals with severe addiction usually relapse and may get attracted to the use of addictive substances again. Their frequent counselling and after-rehab care are of utmost importance to keep the treatment results intact. Suggesting realistic lifestyle changes and reachable steps is part of aftercare. Supporting individuals with their affecting factors and suggesting medications and social and psychological support are a few aspects of an aftercare alcohol rehab centre in Mumbai.

Therapy type -individual, group, or family therapy: Assessment of individuals suggest various factors and setbacks that keep any person with addiction at bay. Moreover, assessing individuals helps identify the type of therapies best suited for them, like individual therapy for intense and personal modification and overcoming withdrawals, which would be beneficial. People with symptoms of depression and loneliness would be best suited to get group therapy; this not only motivates each member of the group but is also comparatively cost-effective. Family therapy is usually suggested for people with low-income family relations to improve awareness and teaching strategies to help and live a healthy life with a person with a disability.

Some real-life instances

Illustration 1: Andrew, a 28-year-old male who overcame his addiction to iv heroin via a successful rehabilitation process. "I'm out of that vicious cycle of misery, hopelessness, and pain. rehabilitation changed my life, and my life mission is to help all those like me to live a better and happy life without any addiction." Andrew underwent an intensive rehabilitation process of 2 years and overcame his addiction of 7 years and still managed in the best ways.

Illustration 2: A 35-year-old medical practitioner went into addiction without realising it at the age of 18, which led to the use of more and different kinds of addictive substances that eventually affected his finances and cost him crucial years of his life in oblivion. He began experiencing withdrawal symptoms after a few years and was in need of regular intake. This addiction led him to steal and hurt people, and soon, it became a family disease. There came a time when he decided to join rehab, and within four years, he overcame his addiction.


Substance abuse, alcohol and other addictions are dangerous for people and their families. Rehabilitation is the best way to transform your life and overcome any addiction; however, it all depends upon one's will to live a healthy life. Only rehab can contribute to a beautiful life ahead.

We are one of India's finest rehabilitation centres in mumbai